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The Women’s Commission of the Blood Donation is a key partner in the promotion of voluntary blood donation among women, despite the biological limitations that affect their donation rate.

Only 16% of healthy women donate blood in Mauritius, while globally, they make up around 30%.

The mission of the Women’s Commission is to raise awareness and educate women about the importance of taking care of their health so that they can donate blood.

The commission also strives to break taboos and apprehensions around blood donation.

Blood donors are getting older. And the total number of blood donors is dropping.

The Pledge 15 Club brings together Mauritian youths engaged in saving lives by donating blood at least 15 times in their lifetime.

Pledge 15 Club are set up in Secondary Schools and Colleges, where students take the pledge to donate blood at least 15 times in their lifetime.

Dozens of schools and universities are active partners in the programme. Stop the paragraph at ‘programme’.

Our commitment is to improve transfusion service in the country by building a healthy donor base and collection infrastructure. In a larger context, we coordinate and associate with social workers in all part of the country to further the cause of blood collection.

Mobile Blood Collection

At BDA, we also believe that the most effective way is to bring the bank to the donors, rather than wait for them to come forward on their own. Mobile Blood Collection is therefore the focal point of our activities.

Apart from organizing our own Mobile Blood Collections, we extend our services to some organizers which include:

  • Motivational seminars prior to mobile blood collection
  • Advising on communication